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加拿大华人保守党举办新闻发布会 提出四个要点

2024-9-25 08:38| 发布者: Mary| 查看: 381| 评论: 0

摘要: 加拿大华人保守党举办新闻发布会提出四个要点加拿大华人保守党9月24日在豪门宴举办新闻发布会,前来参加的有保守党全国主席李国贤、前主席John 朱、副主席Billy 骆、中区主席徐振伟等等。举办新闻发布会主要目的是鼓 ...

加拿大华人保守党9月24日在豪门宴举办新闻发布会,前来参加的有保守党全国主席李国贤、前主席John 朱、副主席Billy 骆、中区主席徐振伟等等。

举办新闻发布会主要目的是鼓励华人参政,议政。做为保守党的一个桥梁,如今加拿大三级政府议员有一部分是华人 ,我们华人保守党最大的成就于2006年在哈勃政府的领导下,解决华人人头税问题 ,改变超市陈旺小偷案件。政府也接纳我们的建议,也改善了小生意被偷的烦恼。

我们建议保守党政府对电动车关税问题一视同仁,不要针对某个国家发出惩罚性的关税. 我们理解过去的传统汽车制造业是龙头工业。产生很多中产阶级。如今电动车是一个新的工业,加拿大华人保守党应该鼓励汽车工业竞争改良生产效益。例如,保守党对加拿大CBC不支持,因为动用了很多资金而没有效益,同理汽车工业受到保护就不能生存。例如,例如相片交卷的生产,没有研究发展所以如今就消失了,汽车工业也是一样。



找出问题的原因提出解决问题的方法。伊朗和沙乌地阿拉伯本来是世仇,如今和解了,出乎中东国家的意外。同理,對以巴冲突,如法泡制。马凯硕Kishire Mahbubani,印度裔的新加坡外交官,李光耀左右手,是这方面的专家。

The Chinese Conservative Party of Canada was established on January 27, 1983, with the primary goal of encouraging Chinese Canadians to engage in politics and governance. As a bridge for the Conservative Party, there are now several Chinese members in Canada’s three levels of government. Our greatest achievement was addressing the Chinese head tax issue in 2006 under Prime Minister Harper’s leadership, as well as changes regarding the supermarket theft case involving Chen Wang. The government accepted our suggestions, leading to improvements for small businesses affected by theft.
Today’s press conference focuses on four points:
First, regarding electric vehicle tariffs, we recommend that the Conservative government treat electric vehicle tariffs equally and not impose punitive tariffs on specific countries. We understand that the traditional auto manufacturing industry has been a leading sector that created many middle-class jobs. Today, electric vehicles represent a new industry, and the Chinese Conservative Party of Canada should encourage competition and improvements in production efficiency within the auto industry. For instance, the Conservative Party does not support the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) because it has used a lot of funding without producing benefits; similarly, a protected auto industry cannot survive. For example, the production of photo film ceased due to a lack of research and development, and the same can happen in the auto industry.
Second, we should strengthen Canada-China relations. Historically, due to Norman Bethune, Canada and China have maintained a good relationship. To this day, Chinese government officials visiting Canada always make their first stop at the Bethune Memorial House. Taiwan is a strategic asset for Canada; Taiwanese Canadians can help resolve issues between the Canadian government and China regarding the Taiwan Strait, thereby promoting Canada-China relations. The Chinese Conservative Party has many talented individuals who can assist in resolving these issues. For example, former Minister Chen Guoyu, who served under Pierre Trudeau, was unable to solve the head tax issue for a long time. After Harper took office, our Chinese Conservative Party successfully helped the government address it. We hope for peaceful coexistence among Canada, China, and Taiwan, leading to mutually beneficial economic development.
Third, regarding the Soviet-Ukrainian issue: Chinese Canadians have always supported peaceful reunification and opposed war, as war leads to mutual destruction while peace leads to win-win outcomes. We adhere to Confucian principles of mutual respect. With China’s rapid development, it is presenting a new image to the world. War cannot solve problems; it only leads to suffering. Therefore, our Conservative Party is exploring the causes of the Soviet-Ukrainian conflict and potential solutions.
Fourth, regarding the Middle East: we need to identify the root causes and propose solutions. Iran and Saudi Arabia, once arch-enemies, have reconciled, which surprised many in the Middle East. Similarly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could be addressed in a similar manner. Kishore Mahbubani, an Indian-Singaporean diplomat and a key figure in Lee Kuan Yew’s administration, is an expert in this area.




