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曝光谢尔的削减计划与虚假信息 自由党选择继续为加拿大民众向前 ... ...

2019-10-16 07:16| 发布者: Mary| 查看: 772| 评论: 0

摘要: 曝光谢尔的削减计划与虚假信息自由党选择继续为加拿大民众向前 为了转移加拿大民众关于他总价值高达530亿加元的削减,以及他失败的枪支政策。安德鲁·谢尔与保守党开始了他们一如往常的、无休止地、毫无根据的假新闻 ...





伍凤仪Mary Ng(万锦-康山区自由党候选人)在新闻发布会上致辞:
         大家好!我首先承认我们今天所在地是传统上的原住民Mississaugas of the New Credit River第一民族领地。
         谢谢大家的到场。今天和我在一起的,还有我的同事Bill Blair,世嘉宝西南选区的自由党候选人。董晗鹏(Han Dong),当河谷北的自由党候选人;以及何胡景(Alan Ho),万锦-于人村选区的自由党候选人;魏德方(Adam Vaughan),士巴丹拿-约克堡区;何洁思(Helena Jazcek),万锦-多福区;叶嘉丽(Jean Yip),士嘉堡-爱静阁区;陈圣源(Shaun Chen),士嘉堡北区;罗莉雅(Leah Taylor Roy),Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill区、马万里(Majid Jowhari),列治文山区等。

         布莱尔Bill Blair (士嘉堡西南区自由党候选人) 在新闻发布会上致辞(节录):
          我们还承诺进行重大的投资,以减少孩子们对这些药物的需求。此项减少需求的努力包括开展公众教育,与父母、老师、医生、社区和  我们的孩子一起共同努力,以确保他们知道这些药物的危险性,以便他们做出更好的选择。

Remarks from Mary Ng, Liberal Candidate for Markham-Thornhill
● Good morning, everyone. Anishinabek, Huron-Wendet, Haudenosaunee, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit River First Nations.
● Thank you all for being here. With me today are my colleagues Bill Blair, the Liberal Candidate for Scarborough Southwest, Han Dong, the Liberal Candidate for Don Valley North, and Alan Ho, the Liberal Candidate for Markham-Unionville.
● Although this will be an important discussion- it is a conversation I wish we were not having.
● For generations, Canada has welcomed talent from around the world. This is a country strengthened by the diversity of everyone who chooses to call Canada home.
● You have heard that this election is about a choice. That is what our Liberal Campaign has been presenting to you.
● But you take that choice away from millions of Canadians when the Conservatives decide that Chinese-Canadians are less intelligent, or somehow less worthy of the truth. This is wrong.
● Decades ago, when Chinese immigrants first arrived in Canada, many to work on the railway, they came to a land that needed their labour but resented their presence.
● Because of Canadian Multiculturalism and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, I stand before you a proud Chinese-Canadian. I stand before you a Minister of the Crown. I stand before you as an equal.
● We are not less intelligent. We are not less worthy of the truth. We are not less Canadian.
● [CANTONESE: I stand before you a proud Chinese-Canadian. We are not less intelligent. We are not less worthy of the truth. We are not less Canadian.]
● At a time when Canadians are looking to their leaders for a plan to bring us into the future, the Conservative Party is bringing us backwards by spreading misinformation and stoking fear.
● They have decided that in order to win an election, they must divide based on our differences and create subsections of Canadians.

● My colleagues and I will not stand quietly by and watch the Conservative Party target
Chinese-Canadians with lies.

Remarks from Bill Blair, Liberal Candidate for Markham-Thornhill
I have been advised that many people in the Chinese Canadian community have been receiving phone calls form the Conservative Party. And they are being told something that is not true, something that is a lie, something that is intended to make them fearful, and to
misinform those Chinese Canadians. What they have been told is a lie that said the Liberal Party will legalize all drugs.
I want to be very clear to you all: this is a lie. I am a Minister and have been the Minister responsible for issues of public safety and dealing with the Opioid crisis in this country. I have said many many times in the House of Commons, I have said it publicly, in committee, and I am saying it to you all today, hoping that you will share today the truth with Chinese Canadians across this country: The Liberal government will not, and I repeat, WILL NOT, legalize all drugs.
We believe that these drugs, that are currently responsible for killing so many Canadians, are far too dangerous. And therefore we actually have a commitment to a National strategy, the  first pillar of which is to interdict the supply of these drugs coming into Canada. We are working  very hard with our international partners, overseas, in US, and in Canada, to keep these drugs and dangerous chemicals out of our country.
We are absolutely committed to enforcing our laws to ensure that these drugs are not available to our children or to our citizens anywhere in Canada.
We are also committed to a significant investment to reduce the demand of these drugs among our children. The demand reduction effort involves pubic educations, working with parents, teachers, doctors, communities and our children, to make sure that they know the dangers of these drugs to make better choices.
We are also very concerned about the number of people who have died in Canada, so we are also working hard to keep those people from dying, by initiating various harm reduction strategies.
Finally, we are making significant investment in treatment and rehabilitation. Our commitment to addiction treatment in Canada is 700 million in the next four years. By comparison, the Conservatives who only fear-monger and spread falsehood about drug policies, have
committed only $36 million over four years. $700 million versus $36 millon, I think it’s very clear which party takes this issue seriously and which party is committed to keeping our community and children safe.
I will repeat, we have no intention and WILL NOT legalize those dangerous drugs which are responsible for killing our citizens and endangering our children.

Exposing Scheer’s cuts and misinformation, Liberals continue to choose forward for Canadians
In an effort to distract Canadians away from his $53 billion in cuts and his failed policies designed to weaken gun control, Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives have turned to their usual endless, completely made-up fake news propaganda. With no plans for Canada’s future,
they hope to deceive Canadians with misinformation on Wechat, Facebook and through ethnic
Their false advertising is completely baseless. After their fabricated lies on housing taxes got called out, they did not correct their mistakes and went even further.
But the more concerning part is that this misinformation campaign targets Chinese Canadian  communities. Fake information appears in Chinese Facebook Pages, appears in restaurants  and supermarkets in our community, and they also appear on WeChat, where a large number of  Chinese Canadians get their information for this important election.
The purpose behind these false campaigns is to distract Chinese Canadians from the real issues in the community. Conservative gun policies will not make our community safer. Andrew Scheer and gun lobbying groups have the same interest: They refuse to implement stricter gun laws, and they do not care about community safety at all.
Additionally, Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives finally released their plan for $53 billion in deep cuts, including $18 billion in huge cuts targeting important infrastructure that supports our communities. Their plans of cuts will hurt our communities, hurt our middle-class families, and hurt our future generations. In the past year, what the Doug Ford government has done to Ontarians shows that their plans will not help Canadians move forward.
Chinese Canadians deserve to know what Andrew Scheer’s cuts will mean for them – whether he will pay for his cuts on the backs of seniors, services for immigrants, or through cuts to health care and education.
A Liberal government will relentlessly focus on the communities and the well-being of middle-class families and those working hard to join them. In the past four years, we made investmentsto our citizens. We made investments in our communities. When facing challenges like
renegotiating NAFTA to keep good jobs in Canada, we fought tooth and nail for Canada. We will not be like Conservatives, who gave tax breaks to their wealthy friends and cut services for everybody else. Through the Canada Child Benefit, we lifted more than 300,000 children out of poverty. We provided more support to first-time home buyers, and we ensured that our seniors can enjoy their retirement with dignity.
A re-elected Liberal government will continue to make life more affordable for Canadians and keep our communities safe. We will continue to fight for our children, families, seniors, andcommunity safety. We will safeguard Canadian society as an inclusive  and welcoming one, andcontinue to help build each other up. We will reject the cynicism and negativity of the




