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2020-3-12 00:41| 发布者: Mary| 查看: 2359| 评论: 0|原作者: 李赛德

摘要: 首届国际无聊大赛获得圆满成功 2020年3月8日,在位于加拿大多伦多以北万锦市的音飞音乐厅,借三八妇女节之际,多伦多无聊俱乐部的成员们举办了一场和妇女节没有任何关系的活动:”第一届国际无聊大赛“!来自多伦多 ...


On March 8th 2020, at the Infiniti Music Hall just north of Toronto in the city of Markham, on international women’s day, the members of Toronto Boring Club got together for an event that has nothing to do with women’s day whatsoever: “The First International Boring Contest”! Boring contestants from Toronto, North York, Berlin, Dublin, Bohemia and Beijing all came to compete.


Contestants from all over the world came and shared their interpretations of what is boring on stage displaying all kinds of boring talents from blowing up balloons, playing cello, doing magic tricks, playing guitar, singing etc...

Sean Rooney's jumping balloon 跳跳气球

Chris Mayhew‘s Boring Magic 无聊魔术

Michal Hasek and Everett's Boring Blues 无聊蓝调

Paul's Boring Guitar 无聊的吉他


Finally, a girl from Beijing by the name of Carol Wang presented something indescribably boring which inspired the 4 judges to give her a high score of 45 points, taking the gold medal of the competition!


     Worth mentioning is the “most boring cello” performance by Toronto Boring Club’s founding member Rosy was suddenly interrupted by judge Mr. Yibing Zhu, who abruptly halted the music and pushed onto the stage a beautiful girl who proceeded to sit behind Rosy to play with Rosy Pachelbel’s Canon in D major on the same cello. We later found out that this young lady dragged onto the stage by Mr Zhu is actually his wife Dong Xiao, former cellist of the China Philharmonic. Due to the interesting nature of this act, it ended up receiving the lowest score of the competition of 28 points.

肉丝儿和董潇两人用一把大提琴拉卡农 Rosy and Dong Xiao two girls on one cello playing Pachelbell's Canon

       多伦多无聊俱乐部的第一届国际无聊大赛就此圆满结束,特别感谢海誉新材料有限公司 ( info@hirenowncanada.com ) 的友情赞助,为所有到场的观众和演职人员提供了洗手液的消毒服务。

As Toronto Boring Club’s inaugural Boring Contest came to a successful close, we’d like to give a special thanks to Hirenown Canada Ltd. (info@hirenowncanada.com 

 for providing hand sanitizers and providing disinfection services for everyone in the audience as well as on stage.

      多伦多无聊俱乐部的第一届国际无聊大赛就此圆满结束,特别感谢海誉新材料有限公司 ( info@hirenowncanada.com ) 的友情赞助,为所有到场的观众和演职人员提供了洗手液的消毒服务。

As Toronto Boring Club’s inaugural Boring Contest came to a successful close, we’d like to give a special thanks to Hirenown Canada Ltd. (info@hirenowncanada.com 

 for providing hand sanitizers and providing disinfection services for everyone in the audience as well as on stage.




