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2020-4-15 07:30| 发布者: Mary| 查看: 2055| 评论: 0

摘要: Councillor Jim myKarygiannis COVID-19 Teleconference Questions 市议员詹嘉礼有关新冠肺炎电话会议问题1. Is COVID-19 airborne? 新冠病毒会不会通过空气传播?No. We know it is likely through droplets, like ...
Councillor Jim myKarygiannis COVID-19 Teleconference Questions

1. Is COVID-19 airborne?
 No.  We know it is likely through droplets, like someone coughing, or by touching your face with dirty hands.
2. What medications can be used to relive symptoms of COVID-19?
 Tylenol for fever, drink enough fluids.  If you think you have COVID-19, call your family doctor.  Your family doctor will advise you what to do.
They will either monitor you for worsening symptoms or advise you to go to Covid Assessment Centres or go to ER if you have worrisome symptoms.  Please always try to contact your Family physician or primary care provider first.  If you are unable to reach them, call telehealth Ontario.
您的家庭医生会检测您的病情,如果您有令人担忧的症状或病情恶化,可能会建议您去新冠肺炎评估中心,或医院急诊。 请始终首先尝试与您的家庭医生或主要医护沟通。 如果您无法联系到他们,请致电安省健康热线( Telehealth)。
3. Overseas doctors give the medications that strengthen your immune system.  Are Canadian doctors going to prescribe any such medication as well?
No evidence that these medications can help COVID19 whatsoever.  For an accurate source of information, consult your doctor or pharmacist.  (Clinical trials are ongoing.)
4. When it comes to walking out doors, 2 meters is the recommended distance. Based on certain weather conditions (high winds, rain, heat etc.) should parameters be altered?
现在卫生官建议出门时,保持2米安全社交距离。根据某些天气条件(大风、下雨、高温等)的变化, 这个参数是否应该调整?例如,我们在风中行走时,是不是应该互相保持更远距离?
It is recommended that you stay home, unless you need to get groceries or run an essential errand.
5. If an individual is infected with COVID-19 and their condition isn't extreme enough to be admitted to the hospital, should they stay home?
Call your family doctor or telehealth Ontario to see if you should be seen in person. They should closely monitor their symptoms at home isolated from family members. 
6. If they are instructed to stay home, is there an in-home procedure or device to monitor their vital signs from home in the event that symptoms worsen?
They should go to the hospital if they experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion, particularly if they are elderly or have some other medical condition.
They should also arrange follow up with their family doctor regularly if anything changes with their symptoms or if they have underlying medical conditions or if they are elderly.
7. How can we decipher between allergy symptoms, seasonal flu symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms in the thick of allergy season? 
Very difficult to distinguish between allergy symptoms and mild COVID19 symptoms.  Best to stay home and socially distance from others. 
8. Do you have sufficient protection gears? If not, what are those urgently needed?
您们是否有足够的防护装备? 如果不够,那么最需要的是哪些医疗物资?
The situation is evolving.  If you know someone who has access to a supply of PPE, please let one of us know. 
We will need to constantly increase/replenish our supplies of PPEs to protect healthcare workers.  Essential workers ideally should also be supplied with PPEs across Ontario.
我们需要不断增加/补充我们的个人防护设备,以保护医护人员。 理想情况下,整个安省属必需服务的工作人员也应获得个人防护设备。
It has been inspiring to see the generosity and innovation from our Scarborough community and rest of GTA to help us get PPE.  We really appreciate it and will be happy to accept PPE and donations.
看到我们士嘉堡社区以及其他大多伦多社区的慷慨解囊,各自以独特的方式向我们伸出援手,给我们送来个人防护装备,这让我们备受鼓舞。 我们衷心感谢,并乐意接受个人防护装备和其他捐赠。
9. If no symptoms, can a carrier infect others? If yes, how to avoid?
Yes – asymptomatic carriers can infect others.  That is why social distancing is so important.  You don’t know who is carrying the virus.  Best is to stay home as much as possible, if need to do go out to do essential tasks – wear a face mask or other type of facial covering.
是的―无症状感染者也可能传播病毒他人。这就是为什么保持安全社交距离如此重要。您不知道谁是新冠病毒携带者。最好是尽可能呆在家里,如果需要出去做一些必要的工作 ― 要戴上口罩或其他面部遮盖物。
10. Will cross infection likely happen in a hospital?
We are following strict infection control processes at the hospital.  Those who have COVID-19 are kept in isolation rooms.  We are especially careful given outbreaks at long-term care homes and hospitals in Ontario.
11. Is there a team of doctors and nurses who wear more safety protection and work exclusively with COVID-19 patients?
Yes – those who are involved in tasks that are particularly dangerous wear extra protection including N95 masks or beyond (ie. Those who intubate patients or who look after patients on high flow oxygen).
是的 ― 那些执行特别危险的任务的医护人员会配备额外的放护设备,包括N95口罩或更高级别的防护(即:那些为病人插管或照顾需要高流量吸氧的病人的医护人员)。
12. If confirmed victims are not treated in hospital, how could we mitigate risk of spreading? Stay home 14 days without treatment? If they are individuals at home alone, who will help them?
Recommendation is to stay home for at least 14 days after symptoms start.  Ask your family doctor or telehealth Ontario whether you need to be seen in person. 建议在症状开始后至少居家隔离14天。
13. What are the damages done to patients who recovered from COVID-19? 
Too early to tell as no long-term studies yet.  Lung damage in recovered patients have been reported.
现在谈这个还为时过早,还没有进行长期研究。 已有报告显示,有新冠肺炎患者康复后肺部功能受损的案例。
14. One thing that I'm really curious about is if about 95% of active cases are mild, why are 10% of cases with an outcome resulting in death?
Currently unclear why some patients’ immune systems are over-activated to fight this virus.  This is why we have to be so careful. Everyone can be affected severely. 
目前还不清楚为什么某些患者的免疫系统被过度激活来对抗这种病毒。 这就是为什么我们必须格外小心,每个人都有可能受到新冠病毒的严重影响。
15. Is a person with a weak immune system more likely to contract the virus and if so should they be taking daily vitamins (C&D) to boost their immune system?
Persons with weakened immune system are more likely to get sicker with COVID19.  Taking vitamins won’t hurt, but they are not a substitute for social distancing and keeping your hands clean.
16. I heard if you are healthy you don’t need to wear a mask. I now heard that the virus spreads through talking or breathing. Are masks effective, should everyone wear one as a precaution?
Countries where most of the population wear masks in public appear to have much less spread of the virus.  Masks are not a substitution for social distancing or good hand hygiene.
大多数民众在公共场所戴上口罩的国家,病毒感染率似乎低很多。 口罩不能代替保持安全社交距离或良好的手部卫生。
17. With so many people touching fresh produce and packages and canned goods in supermarkets, is it essential to wash all produce and all packaged items and canned goods when returning from the supermarket?
 Good idea to wipe down anything you buy from the supermarket with water and mild detergent but the best way to protect yourself is to wash your hands frequently and not touch your face.
18. Long Term Care: 长期护理院
a. what is the latest development of; 最新疫情
Unfortunate outbreaks in long-term care.  Public health is assisting in controlling the outbreak by increasing testing for residents and health care workers and isolating cases and also physical distancing residents.
b. what root causes/factors are, and; 根源/因素
Easier to transmit in facilities where physical distancing is not easy as in long-term care and shelters.
c. should visitors wear masks and gloves to avoid transmission of COVID-19探访者是否应戴口罩和手套以避免病毒传播
Visiting is currently being severely restricted to avoid transmission.  Reasonable for visitors to wear masks if they are allowed to visit in extenuating circumstances.  We understand that it is difficult to be separated from your loved ones.  However, everyone needs to pitch in to help control this virus.
目前,为避免传播,探访受到严格限制。 访客在某些情有可原的情况下,还会被允许佩戴口罩探访。我们理解与亲人难舍难分的情感。 然而,疫情下,每个人都需要尽自己的力量帮助防控病毒。
19. What is your advice to those whose mental health has been affected due to everything happening and being in quarantine for so long? Do you recommend any resources or daily practices to help with it?
您对那些因当今疫情和长期隔离而导致心理健康受到影响的人士有何建议? 是否可以提供有关资源或日常生活建议来帮助这些人?
Suggest they seek mental health support via resources provided by the province. https://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2020/04/ontario-increasing-mental-health-support-during-covid-19.html 
20. What is your response to those who are breaking physical distancing rules and are saying that this pandemic/outbreak is "fake news”? 您对那些违反身体疏远规定并宣称新冠大流行是“假新闻”的人士如何回应?
Physical distancing is the only intervention we have available until scientists comes up with a safe vaccine.  We all need to do our part to save lives.  We all have a responsibility to society to help control this virus.  This is not fake news; everyday people are getting admitted to hospital and dying from this virus.  We can only get through this if everyone helps out with social distancing.  This is our only way out of this.  There are no miracle vaccines or medications that will appear in the near future.
在科学家研究出安全疫苗之前,保持安全社交距离是我们唯一可以实施的干预措施。 我们都需要尽一切努力来拯救生命。 我们都担负着社会责任来帮助防控病毒,抗击疫情。这不是假新闻,每天都有人入院,每天都有患者死于新冠肺炎。 只有每个人都协助保持社交距离,我们才能共克时艰。 这是我们唯一的出路。 近期内不会奇迹般出现新冠疫苗或药物。




