本帖最后由 闲云孤鹤 于 2013-7-21 22:47 编辑
This one-day conference on July 24th, 2013 features six New York Times bestselling authors and world-renowned leaders, including Entrepreneur, Author & Peak Performance Strategist Tony Robbins, New York Times bestselling Author Robert Greene (The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction and Mastery), Chip Heath (Switch, Made to Stick and Decisive) & more!
Donate $10 To Unlock This Deal: Get Your Ticket to "A Passion For Life" - a MUST SEE Group of Inspirational Speakers for $229. Reg $329.
PLUS GreedyGiver members not only get $100 off the ticket price but for every 5 tickets bought they get a FREE 6th ticket! Amazing!
This is an exclusive GreedyGiver offer - nowhere else will you find these savings! Why? 'Cause they love the concept!

Fine print: HST tax is applicable. Buyer must also present/read out voucher code on voucher when calling to book your seats (905.366.8555) OR email Matthew@legacymastery.com. Each ticket is a single entrance & seat. Unlimited buys. Space is limited. Register 5 tickets and receive the 6th ticket complimentary! Donation amount is in addition to buy amount. GreedyGiver is only processing the donation amount for this deal. Must present voucher for discount to be honoured. Voucher expires on event date.
$10 Give + $229 Buy = $239 Total
PAY FOR DEAL: To Merchant
Highlights: * Get $100 Off Your Ticket to "A Passion For Life" - with Tony Robbins, Robert Greene, and Chip Heath.
* Buy 5 tickets and get the 6th for FREE!